Are you hearing/reading more about any of the following celebrities recently? Please select all that apply. If none apply, please select "None of these."
Beyonce Knowles Britney Spears Katy Perry
Lauren Conrad Gwyneth Paltrow Blake Lively
Lady Gaga Cameron Diaz Megan Fox
Carrie Underwood Scarlett Johansson Adele
Emma Stone Emma Watson Mila Kunis
Sandra Bullock Jennifer Lawrence Taylor Swift
Angelina Jolie Anne Hathaway Julianne Hough
Pippa Middleton Olivia Wilde Lana Del Ray
Natalie Portman Nicki Minaj Zooey Deschanel
Khloe Kardashian Jennifer Garner Kate Hudson
Charlize Theron Oprah Winfrey Reese Witherspoon
Selena Gomez Bethenny Frankel Victoria Beckham

None of these