We are going to show you different articles that may appear on the cover of Self magazine. Please look at them for as long as they interest you.

Please look at each article and tell us how interested you are in the article, with 10 meaning you are extremely interested and 1 meaning you are not at all interested.

Cover Lines Extremely interested Not at all interested

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Boss on your case?
Here’s help


Flat Abs
Lean Legs
6 toners that do both, p. 87


Stronger “O’s”!
The crucial 30-second secret


19 Fun new looks for spring
Turquoise lids and faded jeans are back!


Get this bod!
6 Firmers & Tighteners p.67


What is your love style?
The most fun quiz you’ve ever taken


Eat Healthier and love it
Pizza too!


Having a mini meltdown?
Get back on track, p.45


Magical Brownies
They fight fat (what were you thinking?)


Burn 500 Calories
Extra Every Week
Trick your body into shrinking faster