
Marketing is broken; it is consistently under delivering on its potential to influence growth and profits. 15% conscious/85% non-consciousChief Executive Officers told McKinsey & Company, the leading global management-consulting firm, that marketing needed to identify customer-driven opportunities for transformational growth. CMO's, on the other hand, saw their role as optimizing in-market activities to drive steady, incremental growth. This is a critically significant gap that is resulting in billions of dollars of waste and unrealized economic potential.

Only 15% of decision-making happens at the conscious level, where people are aware and able to cognitively process and articulate their thinking. Less than a sixth of the choices we make – for example why we eat what we eat, buy what we buy, like what we like, or do what we do – operates at a level where we are aware of and able to verbalize our true motivations. Yet 100% of the information behind the business decisions that drive what products and services are offered, to whom, which activities will support these offers, and at what investment levels, rely on this very limited view of the total decision making process.

There are two elements that determine business impact. Interactions are everything that a company does and says in an attempt to influence current and prospective customers. This is the send mode, the levers that the company directly controls, and includes product, package, placement (distribution), price, promotion and positioning.

The second element is relationships, the context that the customer has with the brand or business and the filter that they use to process, interpret and internalize all of the offerer's interactions. What the customer receives. The brand's relationship with its customers is it most important asset and its only sustainable advantage. Just as with cherished friends and family, a strong positive relationship will result in loyalty, forgiveness and advocacy while a negative relationship will result in mistrust, avoidance and animosity.

Simply put, the relationship is the primary driver of both effectiveness and efficiency of interactions. Interactions exist to develop, enhance and fully leverage relationships. Relationships drive preference and behavior. Behavior drives revenue and profits.

Historically, most business decisions have been driven solely by the conscious measurement of interactions. Relationships have not been effectively managed because heretofore there hasn't been a rigorous methodology to measure them. There is tremendous untapped potential for both provocative and proprietary insights from measuring and understanding the rigorous measurement of conscious relationships and non-conscious interactions and relationships. Buyology Inc. has leveraged proprietary web-based technology to build rigorous, scalable tools that do just that.

     Brand Relationship Framework & Proprietary Tools Brand Relationship Drivers Neurotypes Non-Conscious Response to Marketing Stimuli Brand Relationship Framework & Proprietary Tools