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Gage Tanabe

Gage Tanabe is Project Design Director at Hakuhodo, the second largest advertising agency in Japan, providing comprehensive marketing and communications services and solutions for some of the best-known brands in the world. Gage specializes in designing and managing projects for innovation planning and brand building. He is responsible for the development of marketing neuroscience in Japan leveraging Buyology Inc.'s knowledge and resources.

Throughout his experience of designing and leading a variety of projects, ranging from innovative baby stroller design to corporate credo development, Gage has been interested in sensory branding. He has written a book "How to realize a brand's RASHISA (atmosphere)" and is co-author of Hakuhodo Brand Design. He was also a co-author of the serial publication Think! Magazine in 2007.

When drilling down his interest in the sensory mystery of brand building he encountered Martin Lindstrom. After 2 years of collaboration between Martin and Hakuhodo, Gage was selected to be Hakuhodo's Buyology Inc. Board Director. He is a licensed ZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) practitioner, and has conducted ZMET projects in Japan since 2005. He also became a licensed LSP (Lego Serious Play) facilitator in 2007.

Gage received his MBA at Richard Ivey School of Business in Western Ontario University in 2002. He lives in a beach-town, Zushi-city, with his two sons and a wife and he enjoys windsurfing and fishing. But most of all, he enjoys music and plays telecaster guitar.